The Secret


Image from Bluebell Books: Thursday Short Story


“Discover and grow something out of the seeds sweetie.”

“I will Mama. It will grow as a tree, hard wood. I will make a home out of it!”

Each day the little girl watered her seed; her tree. “Lalala , I am excited to turn you into something really special!”

The little girl was expectant — what she wants she will get.

“Mama! There’s something growing in my tree!”

“Oh that’s a tomato, sweetie.”

“A tomato! But I want a tree, with hard wood!”

“Yes, you want a tree but what you have is a tomato. Why, you can make pasta with it – spaghetti?”

“But I don’t like spaghetti! I want to make a home with hard wooden floors, and chairs, and treasure box!” She insisted that she wants nothing but a hard wood. “I don’t like that plant anymore Mama. It’s yours now.”

Before she became a mother to little boys and little girls, she was a little girl. She had dreams. She had tantrums. She had her wants.

She is a Mama now. Her Mama is now her kiddos Grandma.

“Grandma, I love your spaghetti!”

“Thank you, Cutie. That spaghetti is special because I used a really special tomato in there.”

“A really special tomato? That must be the secret ingredient! I will tell Mama about that secret ingredient!”


Any discovery from you that you want to share to the world?


29 Responses to “The Secret”

  1. graasky Says:

    So sweet 🙂

  2. mish Says:

    I love the fact that you used the generational link of grandmother-mother-child in your story ! A perfect interpretation of the prompt !

  3. Barbee Says:

    Growing up, I remember every year my mom’s mother would send a big box full of Christmas cookies. They were awesome.
    I have tried to recreate those cookies, but I have discovered that I will never be able to match the flavor of her special cookies.
    I wish she was here today, so I could take some lessons…
    Thanks for the memories!!
    Great post 🙂

    • bendedspoon Says:

      This makes me wonder — same ingredients, different taste for different cooks. I can’t replicate my mom’s cooking as well! I think passion for cooking or serving has something to do with it 😉

  4. A.B. Thomas Says:

    What an enchanting little story, as I was reading it I was listening to the words of “You can’t always get what you want” by the Stones and thinking how much depth are aligned!

  5. Ann Says:

    Thanks, planting princess

    This made me misty eyed. Very touching

    Like Theresa, I thought and expected much of my grandmothers. I miss them much. Would have loved to have them around to see their great great grandbabies…

    If I can be to mine half the granny they were to us, I would have done well!

    Thankful and blessed

  6. Jingle Says:

    “I will Mama. It will grow as a tree, hard wood. I will make a home out of it!”

    divine, big dream, wow. love it.

  7. Debbie Says:

    This is precious, sweet one! A memory came back to me the other day, as I delivered papers. One place I went to was a huge old house made into 4 different apartments. I remember looking for my own first apartment, and my mom coming with me. The first place we looked at was an overhead room, not much more than that. Only the floor was slanted. I think I would’ve settled for anything , but my mom wanted me to have a level place to stand on. 🙂
    love you!

  8. thingy Says:

    Aaw, this is terrific. Smiles. : )

  9. Awww wonderful story brought a smile to my lips

  10. I have such wonderful memories of magical times with my grandmother. I really thought she could do anything. I miss her. Thank you so much for this post. It took me back to one of them.


    • bendedspoon Says:

      I miss my grandmas too! One of them took me to a studio when I was a little girl and the image in that photo was etched in my mind — the only photo I have before grade school 🙂

  11. dswan2 Says:

    Congratulations! You followed the right prompt! Thanks for sharing.

  12. jmjbookblog Says:

    What a precious story and magical message. 🙂

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