Farewell Fare Well



My posts are coming very far between.

I think of you my blog friends.

I feel like I kept you hanging. Thank you for hanging around though.

It has been a crazy schedule and let me share to you how crazy it is, here.


My holidays are planned already, 24/27.

I need to refocus. I need to inventory my life.

I am sorry that I need to say farewell to this refuge and to you my blog friends.

I started blogging when I decided that I needed to move on from a very painful season of my life.

Thank you for coming to my life one by one. Thank you for lifting me up, for understanding, and yes, for loving me just as I am.

I have moved on but that is not to say that I no longer hurt each time there are triggers to remind me.

But thank God, He is always there to comfort me.

And now I am moving on, again.

Shall we take one last look of how the spoons were bent?







easy huh! :) :) :) :(

easy huh! 🙂 🙂 🙂 😦


The benders have grown now. Look what happened to them after three years — so fast.


They continue to bloom wonderfully. Thank God.



Got to create memories together with them.


Fabia Paintings.Oct 2013

Blend into the colors of their lives.


So this is it. Farewell to bended spoon. No, it won’t evolve to bent spoon. I liked it that way, when some still appreciates despite the imperfection.

Farewell bended spoon.

Fare well my friends. Bloom.

Bloom Painting


Fare well. Fare well. Fare well.

Bloom. Bloom. Bloom.


The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God. – Isaiah 35:1-2


20 Responses to “Farewell Fare Well”

  1. i hope that li guan, liu ying, taryn brown, and rann wang do well.

  2. Ann Says:

    Dearest Princess Rea

    I miss you!

    Thank you for every single word you have shared, and thank you for taking the time to say ‘bye’… I have been telling myself I will write again. It has been three years and still nothing. Life happens. Kudos to you for taking the time to build the memories.

    Praying many years of joy and laughter for you and your beautiful kiddos. May God continue to bless you and fill your heart with His peace.


  3. mariqia Says:

    Hi Rea, how are you?

  4. I must apologize for having taken so long to read and respond to your note of farewell. I will miss your posts. My travels have taken some unexpected turns. I haven’t posted anything for several months now either. I wish you well as you continue your journey where ever it takes you.When God is in control, you don’t need to worry about the destination or the connections.

    Shalom and blessings. Pray for me as I pray for you.

    Your blog friend

  5. So sorry you’re leaving us, Rea but I do understand that sometimes it’s better to move on. I shall remember you with your poetic words of wisdom. I wish you well in all you have ahead of you. 😉

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Hi Linda! All of us must have been moving on. Some of us might be thankful and some of us might have a little regret.

      I felt both so many times and learned that to eliminate regret one has to share something good to someone along the way.

      Happy to see you serving something good to your customers at the cafe. Blessings to you as you bless others. Huggs

  6. Joshua Wu Says:

    Thank you bendedspoon for sharing God’s love through your blog. It has brought much joy into my life.

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Thank you tooooo Joshua for bringing joy where ever you are! I have shared with my kiddos how talented you are and how you use your talent for God’s greater glory.

      There may be times when we asked ourselves if we even made a positive difference in the world and the answer may be not. Not, because it isn’t as grand as what others did but truly somehow we did and somehow it is grand for somebody — just like how much you blessed me; how much Colleen, Theresa, Arlee, Debbie, and others blessed me.

      And we are not stopping yet? Blessings to you and continue the good works Joshua 🙂

  7. Debbie Says:

    Okay, the truth? I cried all the way through this, sweet spoon of my heart! But I stopped blogging too, so I understand! Love you so much and am so thankful for you and your precious family. I love how you taught us we can bend and not break, in His hands.
    hugs and prayers!!

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Debbie, I cried a lake while writing the post. A lake because it was deep, silent and placid. It was sad yet liberating — very much like the things and relationships that once were the center of our attention but we need to let go. Very much like anything and anyone that bent us or forces us to bend positively or negatively — but can’t break us because Someone with pure love is holding us altogether.

      I have known deeper love through you. You have given love and I am blessed to be one of the recipients.
      Love and hugggs 🙂

  8. Arlee Bird Says:

    I understand. Sometimes I wonder whether I should stop for a while. Blogging takes a lot of time and there are so many other things to be done.

    Blessings to you.

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Arleeeee! Thank you soooo much for hosting A to Z blogging challenge! That was among my most enjoyable and craziest days, nights, dawn in blog world! I have missed 2 since I joined last 2011 but always remember come April — April Fool’s to start!

      I wasn’t aware back then that wordpress has post scheduling feature and so there were days were I got to beat the stroke of midnight just to post the letter of the day — whew I surely knew how Cinderella felt!

      I was a happy fool and would have loved to do it again should our road trips weren’t on April. My A to Z posts reflected how much fun I had — thank you for the happiness blessings! Blessings back to you 🙂

  9. This makes me sad, but I do understand, and I am happy to see you blooming with your family.

    You are a special lady.


    • bendedspoon Says:

      Hugggs to you my sister in blog world. I oftentimes remember you each time I have my tea time — imagining that conversations we would have over a cup of tea.

      My adorable tea cans (mostly from TWG) are growing but can’t write anyTEAng worthy to honor tea itself because my quirky self is preparing it unlike all others.

      Sad to leave too the wonderful things we all shared here but the good thing is we can’t totally leave it all behind — they always resurface in our hearts.

      Love much to you Theresa — you are inspiring in so many ways 🙂

      • I have been so worried ever since that typhoon hit . Please let us know if you are okay as soon as you can.

        • bendedspoon Says:

          Thank you Theresa for checking and I’m sure you prayed for us – thank you so much for that.

          My family was not hit physically by the typhoon but it did directly hit us within. We have no control over this thing and we know that some more are coming — as Philippines has an average of 20 typhoons per year. We may live in fear everyday but with fear there can be no happy smiles so most of us choose to live in faith instead — and not lost that opportunity to smile in gratefulness.

          The devastation is too much, it hurts so much but when one trusts that the Lord is in control no matter how seemingly ugly the situation is, there is no breaking — just bending.

          Painful scenario like this brings out the best and worst amongst us, and outside of us. We feel so blessed with all the help we receive and the help we could give. Some of us chose to engage in word war with those who have so much to say but not brave enough to walk in our shoes and some of us stretch our patience a little longer then pray, do, forgive, move on…

          Thank you so much again for your prayers Theresa. By the way, I can’t recover my email. A bit sad about that because I can’t check back our conversations but then I believe I am once again forced to move on 🙂 Huggggggs.

  10. I think of you often Bended. And will continue to do so. Thank you for being in my garden. 🙂

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Thank you too Colleen! I will always remember you as my dream neighbor who would paint a message on a wall and stopped by to listen, to comfort…who would blog until a hundred years old!
      Hugs and blessings to you 🙂

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