




That’s how high the flood in some areas in the city due to tropical storm Maring (international name – Trami). Classes were suspended but since it’s not signal number 3, the working masses still need to go to their respective offices – if we can.

I can’t. The garage is flooded. Outside it’s flooded.

I can’t float in the flood. I can’t swim through the flood. I can’t fly over the flood.

I can only work at home.

Bittersweet. Not because I am working at home – I am used to it, working — beyond my working hours.

Bittersweet. Us, here, experiencing several storms in a year – the one before this, Labuyo (Utor), visited us just last week. I won’t talk about bitterness — just bittersweet. Because these storms oftentimes bring out the best in us.

We continuously learn how to rebuild.

We continuously hold on to the One who can calm the storms.

Bittersweet — I remember I have this book title by Shauna Niequist . And the first thing that I read was ‘on crying in the bathroom’ because I did cried in the bathroom. Not once, nor twice. Too many times – because it’s less messy to cry in the bathroom!

I can relate in most of the entries, not only because I too had a miscarriage, but because I know how bittersweet taste — and I know you do too.

So many bittersweet thoughts for the day and one of them is — my blog friends. I haven’t been a good friend for a long time. I was not able to visit them as much and when I did, some are no longer writing actively as well.

I know. I know. Our priorities do change as the need arises. We sometimes need to give up something in order to focus on to another thing. Bittersweet.

And like Shauna I also ask for help — to the One who truly knows my heart.


'on crying in the bathroom' by Shauna Niequist

‘on crying in the bathroom’ by Shauna Niequist


Yes, I would like to believe that too even though the storm outside is not leaving today.

Even though there is a storm inside.





‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” – Revelation 21:4


9 Responses to “Bittersweet”

  1. I pray for sun. For shine. For BendedSpoon’s prayer on BendedKnee be heard. I admire your determination, your faith, and your sharing.

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Hugggs and thanks to you Colleen for, “I pray for sun. For shine.”!

      With this flooding I prayed long and realized that I am not trusting Him enough with His plans.

      It’s still raining outside but this “I pray for sun. For shine.” really feels good and made me smile — don’t ask me why when you already know that I can be crazy at times!

      Okay, I’ll tell you anyway. It comes to me as a nursery rhyme and so I repeated it like a toddler. I am a toddler? Then I believe without a doubt! That the sun will come out tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow…

      Now you made me sing! Excuse me, may I go to the bathroom please. My eyes are flooded! 🙂

  2. Debbie Says:

    You could not float, nor swim, nor fly through the flood, but YOU , our precious sweet spoon .. .you blog through the floods. What an inspiration you are to us all. Love and hugs and prayers as you continue to weather all that comes your way, with your Jesus!

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Thank you for your prayers Deb! Got to grab the opportunity to do some of the things I missed doing! Storms and floods are part of our lives and they have visited us more than I did my blog friends in the past year! 🙂

  3. Dear sweet Rea,

    I am so sorry that you have to contend with these floods. I am praying for you and the others in your area that are struggling.

    I understand the bittersweet. The past 12 months have been very hard for me and my family. I am now hopeful that things might get better soon. They already have a little.

    I am trying to get back into blogging again. I have re-blogged a lot of my old favorite posts. I also have made two knew posts. The interesting thing is one of them is titled “A Sweetened Drink” which has to do with bitterness (my bitterness). You can read it here:

    A Sweetened Drink

    The other is a poem:

    Raina (a poem)

    I would love it if you could read them, but I understand if you can’t.


    • bendedspoon Says:

      I am always blessed by your prayers Theresa — thank you sooo much.

      Your faith and courage as a wife, mom, woman and Christ follower inspired me since you shared parts of your story. You are amazing for weathering storms.
      Hugggggs and love:)

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