Dear Joseph


Thank you for heeding the angel that you take Mary as your wife who’s already conceiving with Jesus. Thank you for protecting her on the way to Bethlehem and knocking on inns. Thank you for being considerate, faithful and loving husband!

Thank you for being Jesus’ earthly father, for being a good teacher, provider and builder. Truly you are a man of character who’s fit to be a family man. Thank you for treating Him like your own child – the child who will save us!

Thank you for the inspiration that you are to all men for loving, valuing and leading the family towards God.

I respect you deeply,


For Sergio.

For Eric.

For Alan.

For Simon.

For Hubby.

For Papa.

For all Dads who who love their kiddos and wives.

For all men who honor God.

You’re the man! 🙂