
This is the easiest DIY, ever!

The pallet was used for my daughter’s birthday Sweets Corner — just 10 DIY steps.

First, you need a pallet — of course!

Good if you can buy at bargain price.

Better if given to you free.

Best if someone sent you goodies — in a pallet crate!



Second, lean it on the wall — that easy!

Between 1st and 2nd, remove the parts you do not want — like boards and nails.

Use hammer please!



Third, add table and chairs.

Mine were vintage and junky!



Fourth, add on other props lying around the home.

A frame,  2-tier holder, and a vintage carousel horse are good for me.

Hammer not included! I used it for the nails where I hanged the frame.



Fifth, make pompoms and hang them.

You will love the pallet for making it so easy to tie the pompoms.

But you have to decide beforehand how many pompoms you need — because making them can be addicting!



Sixth, add flowers.

No need to buy vases when you have empty beverage bottles.

Notice the trimmings? Those are pompoms scraps.

No need to throw them yet. Just scatter them on the table — because you are the boss!

Bea6.Pallet.Bottled Flowers


Seventh, add more flowers!

Horse charming got to offer some flowers to the Princess.

And look after her crown while still sleeping — shhh this is a surprise party that the Princess wanted us to prepare.

Bea6.Pallet.Horse Flowers


Eighth, don’t forget the sweets.

Because the pallet backdrop is for Sweets Corner!



Ninth, show off the pallet backdrop.

Be sure that it is in the back 🙂

Bea6.Pallet.Sweet Corner


Tenth, add the sweetest.

Count the fingers — except those that form the binocular to see you.

The sweetest Princess turned six!



Now back to the pallet. I do not see its life ending yet.

As is, I have some more things to hang and change them as frequent as I like without worrying on nail holes.

I could paint it. Distressed it. Remove the paint. Paint it again. Whatever.

How about you, what would you do with it? Aside from throw it 🙂


Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones. – Proverbs 15:30


Thinking About It


It’s good to be home.

To slow down.

To linger longer…

With the meals

With affection

With gratefulness.




My sweet daughter planted the mongo seeds and so some smiles sprouted.

My 10 year old boy is so elated with his medal. He has been thinking about it two weeks ago and now he did have it.

Last week he placed it in the corner of the tv so everyone can see it — on a weekend.




Then the morning after that, he hung it to Thor so he can see it – before he goes to sleep.

Now he moved it on the cross in the dining table so everyone can see it – every day!


Oh yes, the giant clam shell.

It’s not a real one and I’m glad it is not.

I would like to think that the real big ones are still in the depths of the seas.

Clam beds for the mermaids maybe — could they be real?


Photo from Google and not the real thing.

Photo from Google and not the real thing.


Oh yes, the giant clam shell.

I bought it for my hubby, for his future fishing cottage.

It’s only P1,200.00 ($27 – 26” x 18”) compared to on line price of $148 at smaller size of 22” x 13”.

For now, I’ll accommodate it.

But I suspect that he knew all along that I want it too.

Well, to give and to receive. Or shall we say sharing?

Oh, there’s our fishing cottage!


The the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” – Habakkuk 2:2-3



Sure you were present when the kiddos were born

Sure you changed their diapers without complaining

Sure you assembled lego altogether

Sure you cooked the best kare kare for them

Sure you brought them to pet stores

Sure you taught the boys how to handle worms

Sure you solved the kiddos techie problems

Sure you applied kiddos with sunblock

Sure you carried them on your shoulders

Sure you can drive 12 hours straight for a road trip

Sure you showed them what redeemed is

But still you are not the best Father!

Happy Father's Day 2013.a

Sure you know that we love you lots, right?

And the best Father loves you right, lots!


Happy Father's Day 2013

Happy Father’s Day with love love love love…!


As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; – Psalm 103:13


Zoom Out



And so the camera was stolen

And the aquarium fishes died

And the mugs were broken

And my right arm is in pain

But I won’t zoom out those things.


Today is holiday in here – our 115th Independence Day

I’m free from office work and be with the kiddos

I’m free to prepare their meals

I’m free to savor the moments at home

And I will zoom out these things.


Pork in wild ginger. Yum!

Pork in wild ginger. Yum!


Sweet potato fries. Yum!

Sweet potato fries. Yum!


Banana. Yum!

Banana. Yum!


Sunburst mirror. Not edible! :)

Sunburst mirror. Not edible! 🙂


Now I am looking at the big picture

I am just glad for all that I have

That I can live in this moment

Here right now



Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. – Psalm 47:1


I Am The Best Mom!


Oh yes! If in doubt, ask my kiddos!

My kiddos regularly say I am the best mom.
I know I am not but still I accept with deep thanks their love for me – it’s God’s gift.
I know it is the adult me and other adults who say I am not the best mom, or them not the best mom, or them not the best person.

But my kiddos know better. They appreciate who I am and not look for who I am not compared to others; they appreciate what I can do and not look for what I do imperfectly compared to others; they appreciate my love and not look for another mom.

The more they appreciate me regardless of the condition we are in, the more I feel their overflowing love. The more thankful and happier I am!


My kiddos always find me something that they know I will like -- for sure!

My kiddos always find me something that they know I will like — for sure!


We adults have a lot to learn from the kids.

– No comparing. Appreciate the person who loves you.
– The best doesn’t mean perfect.
– No need to focus on imperfection, love instead.
– There can be a billion bests. It only needs people who are grateful enough.


The best brick vase! The best dried flower! The best stick!

The best brick vase! The best dried flower! The best stick!


Happy mother’s day to the best mom — YOU ARE THE BEST MOM!

If in doubt, be kiddolike.


“Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him. “Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read, “‘From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise’?” – Matthew 21:16


Once upon a time, there was a line between hubby and me.

Line of destructive priorities.

Line of selfishness.

Line of pride.

Line of shame.

Line of hatred. Yes. Yes. Yes.

There was a cross.

I saw the cross differently back then.

And so I wanted to run away from it.

After all it was heavy and left me bleeding inside.

But I wasn’t able to go far. It was painful to walk away wounded and bleeding.

I needed a healer.

And then I saw the cross anew

It stitched my wounds.

It helped me cross the line of surrender.

It brought me to the Healer.


Drawn To The Crossby L. Mirabueno

Drawn To The Cross
by L. Mirabueno


I had the painting commissioned. I want to be reminded when I was drawn to the cross and not away from it. That there is no point in running away because love is all it is. It is not just cupid’s love but the love of the Father and the Son for mankind — for us sinners.

Jesus saved us on the cross. It is not a lovely sight knowing that the Father is grieving but — He loves us.

Jesus saved us on the cross. He took our shame and He is not ashamed — He loves us.

And where is my hubby in all of these?

In the title! 🙂


You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. – Romans 5:6


Dear Hubby


Dear Hubby,

Last year you asked me if I wanted an ipad and I said no because I have a laptop already. But still you bought me one because you knew I will like it.

And true enough I liked it! It’s handy and I can use it while lying in bed. That is if I’m not yet off to dreamland the moment my back touched the bed.

This year you asked me if I wanted an iPhone or Note 2 and I said no because the phone you gave me still works. But still you gave me one because you knew I will like it.

And true enough I liked it! It’s handy and helped me in my current project. I was able to sketch-erase-sketch an organizational chart, among others.

And so I realized that as much as it is important that you should know what your wifey like — like a vintage aqua Volkswagen van (wink wink) it is also important for me to appreciate the gift you feel is important.

Of course I do appreciate them all my techie hubby! I love how you knew I needed something which I didn’t ask for because I am a DIY-junky-vintagey wifey!

And so for your birthday we are giving you something which you might not want but trust me you will love this because…we do!


Boys Fishing by L. Mirabueno

Boys Fishing
by L. Mirabueno

Believe me this is priceless because you will remember the times the boys gone fishing with you. Yes, I know they’re quiet in the painting unlike in real life where they scared the fish off so you won’t catch anything! But then, it can still come true one of these days, lol!





Believe me this is priceless because one day you will remember how your artsy daughters stayed late to finish painting this just for you!

So love it, love it because we love you, love you!




P.S. Your birthday wish for wisdom and prayer of thankfulness to God is a gift itself.

And yes, the greatest gift is already given to us. Not every one may want Him but God the Father knew that we all need Him.


There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. – 1Corinthians 12:4-6



Every day I am confronted in the road by screaming billboards. Reminding me that I have yet to own the latest in fashion and technology; that I have yet to achieve the silkiest skin and society’s dream body; that their cake is chocolatier and the chicken is crispier.

It made me breathe less or shall I say that my breathing is heavier, harder  — “Chocolate cake or dream body? Latest in fashion or crispy chicken?” It’s hard to satisfy advertisers at the same time — more so if you are not at all interested but somehow compelled to want it.

I dream of regular road travels that will leave me breathless of nature’s beauty and abundance. And today I want to thank Artist Stephen Glassman for his dream of putting a crack in the urban skyline and allow us to take a breath despite the traffic.

Urban Air will transform existing old urban billboards to breathing spaces with suspended bamboo gardens.


To make this come true at least $100,000.00 pledges is needed — and then the project will be funded. Please check the team behind the project in their  KickStarter page.

I can’t wait to see similar project here in the Philippines.

I can’t wait to see a whispering billboard reminding me to BREATHE, PRAISE, LOVE.


Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD. – Psalm 150:6


Adios Amigos


It’s been weeks since I last visited your place and my place.

I am tempted to finally say, “Adios Amigos.”

But here I am saying instead, “Ahhh Diyos Amigos!”

Diyos is the Filipino translation for God.

“It’s God my friends!”

Who else will stop the flood caused by 11 straight days of monsoon rain?




Who else will make Filipinos smile in hope?



 Who else will provide what you need most?



Who else will soak  you in love?



Who else will make one fit for the ohlifepics?



Who else will lay down his life for us?



Ahhh Diyos Amigos!


Where ever you are right now — down the deep or floating on air

Whatever you may be doing right now — laughing in pain or crying in happiness

We both know that God alone knows His purpose for us — and it is good.

I believe that even when I feel like something so bad is happening to me.

I believe that feelings are not always the truth — but He is.

I choose to believe because…

it’s raining hard again outside! 🙂

Ahhh Diyos Amigos!


The waters saw you, O God, the waters saw you and writhed; the very depths were convulsed. -Psalm 7:16


Note: Photos are not mine as I can’t be everywhere while there’s flood. 🙂

Hello it’s Friday the 13th, are you afraid? You may have a friggatriskaidekaphobia, the fear of this day and date.

Me, I can’t afford to be afraid of Friday the 13th because sometimes my birthday falls on this day – like today!

Happy birthday to me!

Because it’s my birthday I got to share with you what happened yesterday. Before leaving for the office, my daughter accidentally broke our mirror. On my way to the office, I saw a teen’s body lying on a pool of blood. Later on I learned that he was hit by the car and sadly he was dead – God bless his soul.

And those happened on Thursday the 12th.

Just saying that what one might fear on a Friday the 13th might be actually happening any time, any day. Just saying that it’s not fair to fear 13 just because it’s next to what is perceived as the perfect number – 12. Twelve months in a year, twelve gods of Olympus, twelve numbers on the clock– and maybe 12 eggs in a box.

How about you, how would you feel if some people decided they don’t like you just because they like the perfect lady in front of you?

Because it’s my birthday I got to share with you what happened yesterday. My parents brought me big prawns, big squid, big fishes, big crabs, big smiles and big love! My officemates had pasta delivered as pre-birthday celebration –- surely we will have a feast on the day itself! My hubby and kiddos, as usual, their love made me smile!

And those happened on Thursday the 12th.

Just saying that there are many blessings in a day that we might have missed because we focused on our fears. Just saying that it’s not fair to frighten ourselves because of superstitions. Just saying that it is one year with twelve months, that there is only one true God amongst more than 12 idols, that I’m writing this on the 13th hour – and there are 6 eggs in a box which are perfect.

How about you, how do you feel when you decided to appreciate and see beauty, just as is?

Because it’s my birthday I got to share with you my birthday song. Hopefully you’ll take time checking it.

Some people find the lyrics weird and might not like it. I am weird and you might not like me. But I like the song and somebody surely likes me, even loves me – just as I am. You know, the One who can make all things possible.

Happy Friday the 13th everyone! Shine!


This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. – Psalm 118:24


Higher, O Higher!


Photo from Bluebell Books Twitter Club Short Story Slam Week 22.


“He lifted and carried me up with all his might!”

This is Bianca’s doting memory of her Dad when she was a little girl – and really heavy for a 5 year-old. But it didn’t matter, the weight –for love.

It was all good until she felt that he had dropped her down, the family down – real hard.

It was bad.

It was all bad until she felt that he had tried to lift himself up, the family up – real hard.

This is Bianca’s painful memory of her Dad when she was a young girl – and really hopeful for a 9 year-old. It did matter, the wait – for love.

“He lifted and carried my Dad up with all His love!”

This is Bianca’s powerful praise of God now that she’s a teen – and really lovely in and out for a 14-year old. It did matter, the forgiveness – for love.

It was good.

“They lifted and carried me up with all their might and love!”

This is Bianca’s heart song of her Dad and God forever — higher, O higher!


As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. – Isaiah 55:9


Oh yes, I am not a good girl

I whipped someone with my words

I crushed myself with my thoughts

I fought out of pride

I allowed myself beaten

I wished for someone else’s death

I wished for my own death


 Oh yes, I am not a good girl

I cannot stop hating passionately

I cannot control my evil thoughts

I cannot move on from bitter past

I cannot have freedom from guilt

I cannot be a good girl on my own

Unless I am dependent on good God


Happy Independence Day to all my American Friends. This might means so much to you as it means so much to us Filipinos when we celebrate our independence from Spanish and American colonies. But honestly, I am not so sure if we are truly independent as a nation. Can one indeed be free just because the tangible prison wall is brought down?

What I am sure is I am free when I allow my Saviour to rescue me from the intangibles that imprison and stop me from being a good girl.

How about you, are you a good girl? Are you free?

You may not answer the questions but please feel free to listen to this  song.


In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and He answered by setting me free. – Psalm 118:5


I thank God that I can create things on times when I felt dwarfed by challenges and can’t seem to hear the singing birds.


scrap wood to decor to table


I meant to make a table out of this scrap wood but for now it will serve as a reminder that I do not need to wait for that future time to serve a purpose – that right now, in whatever state I am, I can serve a purpose, that I have a purpose, that I may be the purpose.

And so while mommy was busy painting seeds of hope, my little girl joined me. She painted her Snow White in the tray. Wouldn’t the dwarfs be happy with that – even Grumpy?


scrap wood to tray


I may be the purpose. To make me understand that if the seven dwarfs had Snow White, I have Jesus – who will wash me whiter than snow. This is true. Not a fairy tale.

But that is not to say that I don’t believe in fairy tale – especially if the fairy is my daughter peeking through the gate made of scrap wood 🙂

Wish now and it will come true!

Fairy Beatrice


Do I hear you wishing for more fabulous repurposed scrap wood? Close your eyes…wishy, wishy, wishy, wonderful you – your wish now come true! Now open your eyes in Funky Junk Interiors world!

If scrap woods can be made for different purposes, ever wonder why we are made? Let’s hear it and not forget that we are loved!


Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.

– Psalm 73:25


Giving thanks when things are going well in marriage is easy

but giving thanks when things are not going well in marriage is very challenging

but it could be one of the finest moments.

It leads one to the inner recesses of the soul to intentionally look for something good

and see God’s child whom He dearly love and wants us to love as well.

Today it’s easy to give thanks for my hubby 🙂

1.For the love 2. For taking care of me when I am sick 3. For working hard for the family 4. For the fishballs, squid balls, kikiams 19 years ago 5.  For praying for me 6.  For kiddos basketball ring 7. For waiting patiently 8. For the almond nuts 9. For the times you are happy being with me 10. For the friendship 11. For the precious kingdom 12. For the wristwatches 13. For the moments you are in love with me 14. For the sandwiches 15. For the hurts that pulled me closer to God 16. For the black Chanel bag 17. For holding my hands 18. For singing in the church 19. For the struggles that taught me how to let go 20. For sharing your fishing accessories for my crafts 21. For repairing the chairs 22. For the morning kisses 23. For the diamond ring 24. For fixing the lights 25. For playing with the kids 26. For bargain hunting with me 27. For sharing your thoughts on church service message 28. For the body massage 29. For lot hunting 30. For your beautiful smile 31. For the mini delivery vans 32. For dreaming happy times with me 33. For attending marriage encounter 34. For family vacations 35. For time for just the two of us 36. For coming home 37. For coming to God.

My dearest that’s only 37 reasons because it’s your 37th birthday!

If you want to hear a hundred, then grow old with me!

One day the heart may not forget the wonderful feeling of being loved

but it might forget the details and so I record them.

I have several journals and it’s a golden one for my hubby

— just because it’s easier to dream for a happy golden anniversary with it!

Truly one of the finest moments in marriage is giving thanks.

For this moment, can you think of at least 5 reasons why you’re thankful for your partner? You may or may not share it with me but you must ensure that you share it with your partner. They will surely love to hear it direct from you!


And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds

– Hebrews 10:24


Let us see

if we can find the Mercedes-Benz

Invisible Mercedes F-Cell B-Class video

 Oh we found it!


And the comments that exposed my teeth are here!

– I’m sending an invisible car payment to the loan company

– I have a similar feature on my car. My Lamboghini is cloaked to look like an AMC Gremlin. So far nobody suspects a thing.

– My invisible Mercedes is sitting in my invisible McMansion’s garage next to my invisible super-model wife’s invisible Porsche.

– I’ve been invisible to women for years.

– Why is there so much invisible money in my wallet???

– i drove this car to my doctor, and he said he couldnt see me today,,,

– Hey I just got hit by a …………….uh uh I know I wasn’t drinking………license plate number??? I told you it came out of nowhere. What!!! taking me to the police station, what for?? Officer you gotta believe me!!! LOOK, LOOK there goes another one – WHAT !!!! you didn’t see it !!! UHHHHH

– (invisible comment)

We have no doubt at all of the car’s existence before we figure out where it is, right?

Why could that be?

Because we trust the manufacturer?

Because we believe in the genius of humans?

Ever wonder why it’s so hard for some to believe in the existence of God?

Why they cannot trust the Creator?

Why they cannot believe in God’s genius despite how awesome His creations are?

Let us see…


No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. – 1 John 4:12


Love Falls


Him:    I love you!

Me:    I love you so much!

Him:    I love you so much more!   *kiss*

Me:    Thank you! I have a big smile 🙂 😉   *kiss*

Him:    I’m so happy that I made you smile 🙂

Sweet, huh?

That is not always the case because there was a time when the exchanges were, “I hate you!” and “I HATE YOU!”

Bitter, yeah.

Most of us might have tasted how bittersweet love can be. It will be the case as long as we are humans. And humans expect. And humans fall short of each other’s expectations.

Since human falls, love falls.

It falls…

But it can be picked up

And put altogether

But no, the pieces cannot be put all together

There will be cracks and holes and deformities

The question is, “What do you do with it?”

Glue it with insincere repentance?

Fill it with temporary pleasures?

Straighten things up to our satisfaction?


Let God seep through every crack.

Let God fill in the holes.

Let God show us that there is really no deformity

But something special.

And what do you do with something special?

Love it!


He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. – Psalm 147:3


For Bluebell Books: Short Story Slam Week 20.

See their special offer and join — A story in 55 words!


‘I SING, YOU SMILE’ – written on a cardboard beside him.

I smiled and the passers-by who read it.

“Why are you doing this? You can’t even see them?” I asked the singing blind man on the sidewalk.

“Because I want to be the reason for a smile,” he said.

What a very special offer.


When I smiled at them, they scarcely believed it; the light of my face was precious to them. – Job 29:24


Prompt from Bluebell Books Short Story Slam Week 19

Image Credit to Whitebook @ DeviantArt, titled A Christmas Story for Rezzan


I ran away from him. It was Christmas time.

That was years ago. Not for good. Just for awhile.

I was confused and in pain.

Faith is amazing. It made me go back.

It connected me to God.

Faith is trusting in the now – that right now great things are unfolding no matter how unbelievable it is. What seems dead may be breathing for new life.

Faith is being excited about tomorrow – that tomorrow great things will be unfolded no matter how unbelievable it may be. What seems dead is alive and fruitful!

Faith is amazing. Faith got me back.

It connected me to God’s graces.

I was overwhelmed and in His arms.

That is now and tomorrow. For good. Not just for awhile.

I ran towards Him. It is me, Rea.


Then Jesus answered, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour. – Matthew 15:28


I Am A Heartist


I am now declaring that I am an artist!

I am an artist because I see extraordinary in an ordinary.

I am an artist because I see beyond the defined purpose of things.

I am an artist because I appreciate each supply chain — tracing back to the Ultimate Source.

I am an artist because I am in love each time I create things — my heart actually giggles!

I am an artist because my kiddos are artists – see some of their lovely works! Hmm it runs in the blood!

Self-portrait of my 13-year old daughter. She got her Dad's blood.

My precious daughter. Don't tell me she's not as cute as the portrait.

'Mom & Dad' by my 4-year old daughter. She got her Mom's blood.

I am an artist because my hubby is a great sculpture – my kiddos love his clay dinosaurs! And I love our dining chairs because he repaired and painted them! Hmm it runs in the heart!

I am an artist because I am a child of the Master Artist who created the sky – with changing hues!

Extraordinary wire heart by me! Extraordinary child by God!

I understand that most of us are not comfortable to call ourselves an artist just because our creations are not at par with other artists but does it not matter that God, The Master Artist, is delighted with the beauty that we have created?

The good news is, God is not only an artist — He is also an evaluator and curator – and a Master at those! He appreciates beyond what is seen and heard. He knows genuine Art of Forgiveness, Art of Caring, Art of Giving and all art of the hearts.

I don’t have a shop.

I don’t have a gallery.

Maybe you too.

But we have a home where we showcase kiddos art or table setting or organized chaos.

We have a heart where we showcase love, forgiveness, faith, and much more.

Not comfortable being called an artist? Oh well, let’s call ourselves HEARTIST!


He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as craftsmen, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers–all of them master craftsmen and designers. – Exodus 35:35


Umbrella Of Grace


For Bluebell Books: Short Story Slam Week 18


“Lovely daisies,” said the woman beside Dee.

“This is for my best friend, to cheer her up. But she’ll have this later, the rain won’t stop,” replied Dee.

“Oh, I have an extra umbrella here. Please use it,” offered the woman.

“Are you sure? You’re an angel!” remarked Dee thankfully.

“I am very sure! That is not an ordinary umbrella though. It’s an umbrella of grace,” revealed the woman.

Dee can’t believe her luck. She can’t get off her mind too what the woman said:

“Remember that an umbrella of grace is available for you to use each time there is rain of challenges. All you have to do is accept it, open it, and use it.”

“When you are forced to walk in the rain, allow your senses to be awakened by each drop of cold rain that you may understand how much others need as well the umbrella of grace.  No, you need not pray that it will be provided to them. Pray that they accept it, open it, and use it because it is readily available — for free.”

“And hey, don’t be surprised if wings show up and take you to miracles. Faith moves impossibilities.”


I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. – Psalm 61:4
