Adios Amigos


It’s been weeks since I last visited your place and my place.

I am tempted to finally say, “Adios Amigos.”

But here I am saying instead, “Ahhh Diyos Amigos!”

Diyos is the Filipino translation for God.

“It’s God my friends!”

Who else will stop the flood caused by 11 straight days of monsoon rain?




Who else will make Filipinos smile in hope?



 Who else will provide what you need most?



Who else will soak  you in love?



Who else will make one fit for the ohlifepics?



Who else will lay down his life for us?



Ahhh Diyos Amigos!


Where ever you are right now — down the deep or floating on air

Whatever you may be doing right now — laughing in pain or crying in happiness

We both know that God alone knows His purpose for us — and it is good.

I believe that even when I feel like something so bad is happening to me.

I believe that feelings are not always the truth — but He is.

I choose to believe because…

it’s raining hard again outside! 🙂

Ahhh Diyos Amigos!


The waters saw you, O God, the waters saw you and writhed; the very depths were convulsed. -Psalm 7:16


Note: Photos are not mine as I can’t be everywhere while there’s flood. 🙂

Love Falls


Him:    I love you!

Me:    I love you so much!

Him:    I love you so much more!   *kiss*

Me:    Thank you! I have a big smile 🙂 😉   *kiss*

Him:    I’m so happy that I made you smile 🙂

Sweet, huh?

That is not always the case because there was a time when the exchanges were, “I hate you!” and “I HATE YOU!”

Bitter, yeah.

Most of us might have tasted how bittersweet love can be. It will be the case as long as we are humans. And humans expect. And humans fall short of each other’s expectations.

Since human falls, love falls.

It falls…

But it can be picked up

And put altogether

But no, the pieces cannot be put all together

There will be cracks and holes and deformities

The question is, “What do you do with it?”

Glue it with insincere repentance?

Fill it with temporary pleasures?

Straighten things up to our satisfaction?


Let God seep through every crack.

Let God fill in the holes.

Let God show us that there is really no deformity

But something special.

And what do you do with something special?

Love it!


He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. – Psalm 147:3


Catch the smile!

Sharing my hubby’s big smile when he caught a 0.87kgs sea bream (bakoko) – we caught the smile as well! Surely he will catch something bigger than that – fish or not! We’re preparing for that bigger smile – by smiling now!

Smile – heaven’s cure!

Sharing my family’s love for massage – my hubby and I massage each other; I massage each of my kiddos, all of them massage me. And when we’re all dead tired, the masseur puts us into sleep – that we may wake up minus the sore. Thanks to Heaven’s Cure Body Oil, Massage Gel and Coco Rub!

Touch Therapy – heaven’s cure!

Sharing my love for fish oil capsules – for preventing ordinary cells from mutating into cancer cells! But the most obvious effect on me is it eased up my depressions. Yup I prayed much about it that it better leave me and if one of the ways is to welcome the fish in, why not? I prefer the fish than the devil!

I even applied the fish oil in my toes that got itchy after trying different shoes in Payless. Gone! As if eaten by the fish – similar to fish spa where, without mercy, you allow the fishes to bite your dead skin. Yay! Thanks Squalene — you’re beyond skin deep!

Fish and oil – heaven’s cure!

And how about you — would you care enough to share something that you love and makes you smile?

You — heaven’s cure!


You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions; – Psalm 45:7


I Am A Heartist


I am now declaring that I am an artist!

I am an artist because I see extraordinary in an ordinary.

I am an artist because I see beyond the defined purpose of things.

I am an artist because I appreciate each supply chain — tracing back to the Ultimate Source.

I am an artist because I am in love each time I create things — my heart actually giggles!

I am an artist because my kiddos are artists – see some of their lovely works! Hmm it runs in the blood!

Self-portrait of my 13-year old daughter. She got her Dad's blood.

My precious daughter. Don't tell me she's not as cute as the portrait.

'Mom & Dad' by my 4-year old daughter. She got her Mom's blood.

I am an artist because my hubby is a great sculpture – my kiddos love his clay dinosaurs! And I love our dining chairs because he repaired and painted them! Hmm it runs in the heart!

I am an artist because I am a child of the Master Artist who created the sky – with changing hues!

Extraordinary wire heart by me! Extraordinary child by God!

I understand that most of us are not comfortable to call ourselves an artist just because our creations are not at par with other artists but does it not matter that God, The Master Artist, is delighted with the beauty that we have created?

The good news is, God is not only an artist — He is also an evaluator and curator – and a Master at those! He appreciates beyond what is seen and heard. He knows genuine Art of Forgiveness, Art of Caring, Art of Giving and all art of the hearts.

I don’t have a shop.

I don’t have a gallery.

Maybe you too.

But we have a home where we showcase kiddos art or table setting or organized chaos.

We have a heart where we showcase love, forgiveness, faith, and much more.

Not comfortable being called an artist? Oh well, let’s call ourselves HEARTIST!


He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as craftsmen, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers–all of them master craftsmen and designers. – Exodus 35:35



  1. Having been made or come into being only a short time ago
  2. Still fresh


  1. Radiance; light
  2. A small amount; a trace
  3. A straight line extending from a point

Let’s talk about new old things. By old, I mean something that already exists or has been always there. And yes, something old can definitely be new.

It can be new when the eyes are new; when the perspective is new; when the heart is new; when the self is new.

How can two people who regularly saw the same sunray not have the same reaction — one saw it with a smile and the other one just squint and frown?

Could the person have seen a ray of hope and that ray is more than enough?

Or he simply saw a ray?

Could the person have seen a burst of warm love and felt it deeply?

Or he simply saw a ray?

Could the person have seen an extended grace and never doubts its source?

Or he simply saw a ray?

Shall we now look close enough with the old and discover something new? I just did.

January. JaNewRay. TheNewRay,Yeah!

TheNewRea? But my hubby isn’t old —  yet 🙂

Happy New Year! Happy New You!


I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. – Ezekiel 36:26-27


Cinderella on Her Tea Break from Bluebell Books: Short Story Slam Week 17


“Surely the shoe will fit me. It’s mine.”

“And I’m a princess now?”

“But what if there’s no fairy godmother?”

“And I wasn’t able to attend the ball?”

“And what if the glass shoe didn’t slip from my foot?”

“Oh, why do I need to analyze everything? Time for tea!”

There’s jasmine, chamomile, lemon, ginger, green tea…

What caught her eye though is the Christmas tea.

“Yes, I’ll have Christmas tea! Christmas is for miracles and I had just one!”

As Cinderella sipped the spirit of Christmas, she felt calm and her mind restored.

“Great things will be poured upon us for reason that we know nothing of. We need not figure out why but simply take it in with deep thanks.”

And Cinderella decided to live happy thereafter.

But not without sharing how to prepare Christmas tea!


1. Pour faith over bag of events in a cup of grace.

2. Let it steep with prayers.

3. Add a sweetener such as trusting smile.

4. Sip with gratitude.

5. For best partea, serve others.


“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. – Acts 2:17


Sprinkles of Heaven



It is cold inside

Does it have to be outside?

Warm them with your smile


It is cold outside

Does it have to be inside?

Defrost chilly heart


For Gooseberry Garden on November, Winter, Change, and Hope.


Earlier I had a schedule of breast ultrasound. It was still early in the morning and a weekend. No hurry, no worry.

But the radiologist had other plans. He wanted to hurry, to worry. He blah blah about I should have come earlier.

“But my appointment is between 8:00AM and 9:00AM and it’s only 8:30AM?”

“Yes, but if there are ten of you, only one shows up at 8:00AM and the rest at 9:00AM…blah blah blah.”

Thank God the procedure only takes around 5 minutes. I got to get out of that place fast but not without leaving some words in the reception with the lead amongst the staff.

“I come here for my well being not to seek for someone who will dampen my day. You are well aware that you charge much higher than other health companies, right? And that premium charges must be for a better service?”

“Yes, Ma’am and we’re really sorry. Will you please write here in our complaint form?”

“Write the complaint for what? Don’t tell me that this is the first time it happened because I won’t believe you. An attitude like that must have been well practiced.”

“I would be lying Ma’am if I say that this is the first time it happened with him.”

“What is the complaint form for? How many complaints do you need before you do something about it? If you can give me a figure and show me the number of complaints I will be more than willing to exert further effort.”

“We’re really sorry Ma’am for your bad experience. “

Oh well, it is December already but I remember Gooseberry Garden’s topic for November because of the incident. I need to cool down.

Good that my awesome daughter is with me – wearing an awesome shirt.

sprinkles of heaven - awesomeness


Good that my favorite green tea frappe is near.

sprinkles of heaven - book and green tea


Good that I have a good book with me – at the Still Point, an inspiring collection of devotional readings by Sarah Arthur.  And so I randomly open it and here’s what I get…

I saw the world end yesterday!

A flight of angels tore

Its cover off and Heaven lay

Where Earth had been before.


I walked about the countryside

And saw a cricket pass.

Then, bending closer, I espied

An ecstasy of grass.

(Eschaton by Elizabeth B. Rooney)


See the word bend in there? That made my day! And of course in the thought that sprinkles of heaven are all around if we choose to see!

And so I see the cool red shoes the man is wearing in the table besides us.

And the lovely floor!

sprinkles of heaven - red shoe and lovely floor


And I remember too some of my November blessings…

  1. All Saints Day and All Souls Day – that includes me and you, think about it
  2. 2011 People’s Manager Award – deliver results, engage today’s talent, shape the future
  3. November birthdays that brought my Mom and my son to me
  4. Family day, crafting days, bazaar
  5. Feast of St. Julian of Norvich who said:

“all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well”

“God made it, God loves it, God keeps it.” – referring to the nut size thing in God’s hand which is the entire universe


And so much more — including YOU!


From whose womb comes the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens. – Job 38:29



Dearest Hubby,

Someone subscribed to my blog with last name same as mine

I couldn’t believe it – it’s you!

I pinched myself to be sure that I’m not dreaming

Ouch! It hurt — so it’s real!

Believe me I didn’t asked why you’re here with me

I just thank God for His miracle, for you

For leading your fingers to ‘Sign me up’ button

Despite that you very well know I might not write anything about cars

But who knows.


Ferrari 166 Inter


P.S.  This is supposed to be a love letter so here’s the love part – I love you!


Please click for other days.

It’s Day 24 of Feeling Good!


Dear Blog Friends,

Thank you so much for understanding my quirkiness.

Like today, thank you for allowing me to be giddy in love.

Thank you so much for checking here and praying for me.

Your prayer works. Your love works.




P.S.   There are days that I am too weak to pray long prayers. All I can say is, “God please give back to my kindest blog friends what they have prayed for me.”


Feel good, write a love letter to your spouse, to your kiddo, to God, to yourself – yes, why not? Your choice – cheesy or not.


“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”
– 1 Peter 4:8



Don’t take yourself so seriously

Don’t walk around as if you are carrying the whole world

That it will tilt when you smile

That it will shake when you giggle

That it will fall when you chuckle.

Don’t be afraid

To be funny

To be tad silly

To express yourself freely.

Some people actually wish

That you don’t take yourself so seriously

Because your frown lines aren’t lovely!

It’s Day 4 of Feeling Good! And I have a question for you!

Being the First Lady, what would you do to make the whole nation smile?

Please click for other days.

Now don’t take the question seriously if your husband isn’t the President, okay?

But hey, you can convince him to run.

Seriously, think about it — to not be afraid to loosen up.

A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.

– Proverbs 17:22


Yes, even a little please.

A little sweetness from everyone could dilute

the bitterness

the sourness

the blandness

in somebody else’s life.

Have a little sweetness please.

Promise, you won’t get a toothache

but a sweeter life instead.

Please click for other days.


It’s Day 2 of Feeling Good! Wishing you have a sweet beautiful day ahead of you.

But before you go please be sweet enough to say a thoughtful prayer to Aj, a brave 8 year-old boy, whose face has distorted and the doctor couldn’t normalize it yet. Prayer could heal and let yours count.

Thank you soooo much sweetest!

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth.

– Psalm 119:103



It’s official! It’s Day 1 of Feeling Good!

For 31 days I will put together Feeling Good posters.

Feel free to think. Feel free to share your thoughts.

Feel free to smile. Feel free to share your smiles.

Let’s start now.

Would you be so kind to share your secrets in feeling good?

Please do. I might make a poster out of it and spread the virus of feeling good!

How about sharing the link of one of your posts that makes you feel good and might make others feel good as well? Just like this – I GOT A FEELING.

Please do. I would love to share it in one of my incoming posts!

Or how about coming up with your own 31 Days and link it to Nesting Place?

It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful — that’s actually the tagline of that beautiful place. Beautiful!

Please click for other days.

You can check on my succeeding post for 31 Days of Feeling God by clicking the button above or the one in the sidebar.  Got to feel good!

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4


Precious Moments


Sea, Sun, Sky

Sand, Shells, Seaweeds

Sunscreen, Sandcastle, Starfish

Sundress, Sunglasses, Swimsuit

Swimming, Surfing, Sailing

Sunburn, Sweet memories, Summer


Jingle Poetry

An awesome community

Mondays are for party

With all types of poetry

Now they turn to one

It has been a year of fun!

His stories and deeds

Introduced me to the Lord

Grandpa’s legacy


For Jingle Poetry on Summer Vacations, Grandparents, and Anniversaries.

Precious moments have nothing to do with time. It is a condition of the heart.

Come in unity and see how precious each and every one.

Blessings to all and yes, I owe myself a visit to your wonderful place.


Juice cartons now empty

Don’t throw it away Mommy

We will have a happy day

Crafting fun memories for the family!


Juice cartons now empty

Enjoyed the apple, orange and cranberry

Now let’s make something pretty

Painted carton houses maybe?


For The Gooseberry Garden on OBJECT.




1. First, drink all the juice inside otherwise it will be too heavy for the wreath!

empty juice cartons


2. Next, paint the empty cartons with any color that you want for the house. Hey, it’s best to experiment painting in cartons than in real houses!

painted houses by kiddos and me!


3. Next next, cut the branches in your neighbor’s tree — form it in circle and attach the painted houses.

empty juice cartons wreath!


4. Next to next next, make 2 sets — 1 for your neighbor where you got the branches!


Now Do It Yourself and have fun! If I can breath then I can wreath — so can you!

Psssst, this empty juice cartons wreath will have more fun at Nester’s Wreath Party!


World peace begins at home — with empty juice cartons! Don’t you think so?


“Why would I be nervous when it’s all for God…?”

That’s from Maricor, when asked if she was ever nervous performing at church during worship.  She’s a sponsored child of Kat through Compassion. There were tears…

But I guess that’s how it is when the soft spot in our heart isn’t hardened yet with bitterness.

When we acknowledge that we are capable of loving.

When we actually love.

Thank you to everyone who loves beyond themselves.

If you feel that what you are giving is just a little portion, know that it could be the biggest break that one could ever get.

If you feel that what you are giving is a big portion that eats your budget, know that the seed could grow into tree that will bear fruits and more seeds and more trees… The blessing will come around to you more than treefold — really fruitful!

Looking for smiles? Want to smile? Maybe this is it…

Compassion Bloggers: Philippines 2011

Thank you and yes, why would we be nervous when it’s all for God?

Why would we be nervous when we could be grateful instead?

I am thankful for…

warning signs

good catch

the opportunity to reach the stars

a time to rest

How about you, what are you thankful for today?

Please share some, don’t be nervous.


I had a great time when I watched the movie The Flintstones ages ago. I love the humor, satire, visual comedy, and best of all the YABBA DABBA DOO! Can we hear it now, here?

I just love the sound of yabba dabba doo! Because it means that there is something worth celebrating. Something to be grateful about.

I have a treasure of yabba dabba doos that brought joy to my heart, tears to my happy eyes, and praises to God.

Let me share a few of them. My heart had a yabba dabba doo..

when the first word that my youngest daughter wrote was V I C T O R Y — she copied it on tithes envelope.

when my oldest daughter passed the scholarship — 200 of them out of more than 2,000 students.

when we found my daughter’s turtle after a week it escaped from the bowl — yup only a few feet away.

whenever my hubby plays with the kiddos.

when a day passed without my boys arguing.

when my blog friends are so nice to visit me even though I wasn’t able to visit them for a while.

when I hear a song that expresses how God loves me.

Yabba dabba doo moments can actually help us get going when our heart is much heavier than flintstones.

Yabba dabba doo moments can reinforce our hope that there is more things to come worth celebrating.

Tomorrow it’s Saturday — I got to watch my kiddos’ swimming lessons. Yabba dabba doo!

Could you please at least share one of your yabba dabba doo moments? Let’s celebrate it again!


UNDERBREATH is a subdued voice; a rumor

Manilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol

Manilyn Monroe

With six toes in her left foot?

So what’s the ishoe

Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci

Oh Mona Lisa

Self-portrait of Da Vinci?

With her, I smile

A Pair of Shoes by Vincent Van Gogh

Bought in flea market

Shoes of a peasant woman?

And Vincent wore them

The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci

Mary Magdalene

She was in The Last Supper?

John where are you then

For Jingle Poetry on Art, Music, Poetry

Any other rumor out there?

Any truth?


N is for Nuts


Meaning I AM.

How to be not me er, a NUTS?

Here’s how from the blessed babes!

PEE NOT on bush or any plants.

Let them yield their fruits in its season…Psalm 1:3

HASSLE NOT a child.

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger…Ephesians 6:4

CUCKOO, NOT for sale.

Judas sold Jesus, will you?… Matthew 26:14-15

WALL NOT yourself.

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost…Luke 19:10

CHEST NOT exposed.

Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you…Proverbs 2:11


In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent….Psalm 4:4


The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it…Proverbs 10:22

So, doughnut be sad, okay?


Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

I’m clapping for you who are reading this! I’m so happy that you are well today!

We clap to show our appreciation and amusement. We usually do it for others but it’s good to clap for ourselves too. See what it can do to you by clapping the moment you wake up and say your praise or declare that, “I will have a wonderful day today! I will make it happen!”

Not all though is happy to see you clapping. If this makes you uneasy then practice one hand clapping which now brings us to the age-old question, “What is the sound of one hand clapping?”

Now please allow me to clap in appreciation for a wonderful C blessing — Creative Blog Award!

Thank you so much Deirdra of A Storybook World! Deirdra is a professional writer and illustrator and looks like she is a fairy too — see her fairy wings!

Oh God I feel so C today — CONTENTED. Far from what I felt a few years ago…

When I was a little miss
I had only one Sunday dress
Its color is yellow
And I love it so
Each Sunday I was excited
Smiling as I get dressed
I felt like a princess
With my yellow dress
When I turned into a woman
I had more clothes than some
But funny how I felt less
Stressed and depressed
Having more isn’t being more
If inside I felt so poor.


For Jingle Poetry on Photographs, Memories, and Nostalgia.

Can we now CHEER UP and CLAP? One or two hands, it’s good for us!


April Full it will be for I am joining Arlee’s A to Z Blogging Challenge! I will be posting daily for each letter of the alphabet except on Sundays. It is an s.t.r.e.t.c.h for me but I just would like to have some fun! Come join me in here or join the challenge too for the whole month of April!

Now let’s bring that A word — AGELAST which means someone who never laughs.

Uhuh don’t you think there is something wrong with that word? Shouldn’t it be Agefast? Without laughter we will age fast!

Laughter can make our heart and soul stay young. Yes it is the best anti-ageing medicine.

Laughter is a gift. Yes we can give one.

Laughter is salvation. Yes we can save someone’s day.

Laughter is an expression of happiness. Yes we can be happy, with an attitude of gratitude.

Yes our heart and soul can be happy because God gave us a gift of salvation!

Now please let me share with you an A word to be happy about — AWARD. I got another Perfect Poet Award! How can I not be happy with that? Thank you so much Jingle and Luna! Can I give both of you a Superperfect Poet Award?

Thank you too to everyone who smiled and appreciated my week 40 entry                 — The Popcorn in Us.

For week 41,  I would like to nominate Moonlight and Dreamz for her powerful poem Earthquake. I hope she is happy!

Look how cutesy the Perfect Poet Award of week 40!

Spring back to life

Cast spells with your magic wand

Agelast, make them laugh!

Shall we now disperse cheer and laughter?  Even God has a sense of humor else how could this big butt, flat nosed and thick skinned creature came to life? Of course I am not talking about myself but the hippopotamus!

Awesome day to everyone! There won’t be BYE today because letter B is for tomorrow!


Let’s Go Fishing


Not for fish but for happy thoughts!

To the sea we go – our sea where we have thrown our happiness before we sulked under the tree and allowed the worm of unhappiness to pull our lips down and take the brilliance in our eyes. Yay!

Now take those worms and drown it on the sea. Is that barbaric? How about burying them in the soil really deep? No you don’t want to use it as bait. Just cast the pole of belief, imagination, and love and you’ll be surprised of the big catch!

It could be your kiddo’s little hand guiding you to reach the cookie jar.

It could be you best friend’s pull when you were sinking.

It could be the diamond ring which you don’t need but still it was given.

It could be the chocolate wrapper that makes the choco sweetest.

not a shadow of a doubt, a choco is loved

It could be your blog friends who left a smiley instead of saying uggghhh.

It could be that one beautiful word that made you smile so big. Precious? Saved?

It could be the date. What today is March 24? I love you hubby!

Now go fish and catch yourself smiling!
