It doesn’t matter if you use fork and knife, spoon and fork, chopstick, or bare hands — you are welcome in here! But hey hey hey before you proceed to the banquet I have a question for you…

Do you believe that this place is fantastic?

Not sure? I will help you with the answer —  Yessss! This place is fantastic all because of YOU! There’s no denying about it because I quote you!

Serving you now the tasty and nourishing food for thoughts…Bon Appetit!

“Our path has certain milestones that we remember for all eternity whether they are ground breaking achievements or just surprising moments captured in time. It is not the size of what touches you but the power it moves you that is key to anything in life.” – Alan

“Why indeed? Why do we waste our time on these negative thoughts and actions?”        – echostains|Lynda

“Ah… seek the warm light instead of the damp darkness.” – Stef

“Enjoy life, and discover your God given talents. When the leaves fall, do we really have to bag them all up? Or did God intend for them to scatter and replenish the ground with nutrients? “ – Chef E

“Wonder how much we miss by not listening?” -Linda Lewis

“We were all meant to teach love, compassion, kindness, acceptance, justice, and tolerance to everyone we meet. The earth would be a forshadowing of heaven if we all were living examples of unselfish love.” – JMJ

“Recognize the extraordinary moments that are around every corner. In fact, we don’t have to even look that far; we need only look in the mirror!” – Tisha

“I’ll BE beauty, mystery, and grandeur today. I’ll SEE beauty, mystery, and grandeur today.” – Theresa Bradley-Banta

“Our existence has always been beautiful, mysterious, and grand because we are created in the image of God, the most beautiful, mysterious, and grand One of all.”         – Linda Kruschke

“I believe if I wrote my life in the many amassed volumes, there would be those who denied it could be real.” – Maggs

“Truth does not always make sense but we get to choose what we believe.” – Ann

“So many times a loss is a win – it’s the gift, if we can only see it.” – Soul Diaries

“We all have the capacity to shine in unique and separate ways.” – Eric

“I believe that what is inside is reflected outside and what is outside we accommodate to and take in. The cycle can be broken. That’s why God gave us free will.”
– Creativity to the Max

“Anger is the brother to sadness. Living in peace is a challenge, but finding ways to handle our anger provides peace to the weary soul.” – Faithdream

“Money is boring, whatever the economy. Think about Solomon and the book of Ecclesiastes… a chasing after the wind.” – Linda|Shoes for an Imaginary Life

“Marriage is such a sacred place, one many go in a haste. It’s sad to see the waste.”       – Treasure

“What is really out there, beyond one’s immediate line of sight?” – Baylis

“Sometimes getting to the destination is maddening and frustrating. Yet,miraculously, once we reach the destination we have answers to the “why’s” we were seeking.”          – Tara

“Am clapping here..both hands both feet and trying to train my ears!!!”                                 – bridgesburning

“Are we happy to be who we are … we have to be happy and if not, let’s change it!”        – Blaga

“The weight and smell of a good book…the internet just can’t replace that.”                         – Dragonkatet

“Love the hardwiring that can bring the comfort of God wherever we are and in whatever we are seeing.” – Sharlene T

“Nothing can compare with what I have in Jesus.” – Theresa Moore

“I have found nothing has a greater impact on a negative by being positive despite the urge to travel the same route.”  – A.B. Thomas

“Time spent with Jesus is vulnerary . . .healing.” – Debbie

“The fight against one’s self is always the most prevalent.” – Koatmeal

“Stay singing for its a start to heal a soul or a broken heart; to remember there is life beyond the door.” – Luna

“Music is a healing balm – that seeps into all the tiny crevices … until it reaches the core and fills out!” – Becca Givens

“Storms come and go, change lives and landscapes. Rebuilding self-esteem and learning new ways to do things is the challenging part.” – Dan Roberson

“We always put these arbitrary conditions on people and are especially manipulative of those we love.” – mindlovemisery

“It is amazing to be loved. Just the way we are. I believe there is One who loves us just the way we are, even when we don’t believe we could be lovable just the way we are.”  – Chatter Master|Colleen

“Serving and blessing others without them knowing would be the best kind of work! When you realize that someone did something for you without telling you, that is an amazing joy!”  – Joshua

Whew! Wise words in there — so filling! Fit to be included in Quotable Quotes!

The Lord is good to me for giving me a slice of heaven. Yes, you are all part of the ingredients — different flavors, distinct taste, and I love it!

To everyone who took time to read, comment or even just said Hi!, I really value your presence and your thoughts. You are all special to me and thank you for bringing in some blessings. I may not be able to visit you for some time now but rest assured that the universe has a way of giving back — a hundredfold? Oh yessss!

Linger some more, listen to the music and chill.

And yes, you can share some more thoughts — whatever you feel like sharing 🙂

Thank you sooo much everyone — with love!


“Why would I be nervous when it’s all for God…?”

That’s from Maricor, when asked if she was ever nervous performing at church during worship.  She’s a sponsored child of Kat through Compassion. There were tears…

But I guess that’s how it is when the soft spot in our heart isn’t hardened yet with bitterness.

When we acknowledge that we are capable of loving.

When we actually love.

Thank you to everyone who loves beyond themselves.

If you feel that what you are giving is just a little portion, know that it could be the biggest break that one could ever get.

If you feel that what you are giving is a big portion that eats your budget, know that the seed could grow into tree that will bear fruits and more seeds and more trees… The blessing will come around to you more than treefold — really fruitful!

Looking for smiles? Want to smile? Maybe this is it…

Compassion Bloggers: Philippines 2011

Thank you and yes, why would we be nervous when it’s all for God?

Why would we be nervous when we could be grateful instead?

I am thankful for…

warning signs

good catch

the opportunity to reach the stars

a time to rest

How about you, what are you thankful for today?

Please share some, don’t be nervous.




 Walls to protect me

To keep the devils away

But there’s one within.

I need a Fortress

Beyond solid structure

Where I can be free.

For Jingle Poetry on Fortresses, Castles, Palaces, and Royal Houses

For us — Be Strong.

A girl dreamt of being a princess

Rescued by a mighty prince charming

And living happily ever after in the castle up the hill.

She woke up a warrior

Fought the foolish prince with sword of faith

And living hopefully ever after for the kingdom beyond the hill.


For the warrior in you — I salute.


Yes you!

You who shared your thoughts in your blog.

You who journal your blessings.

You who cooked that meal with love.

You who said ‘Thank You’ to everyone who exerted an effort for you.

You who brushed that little girl’s hair.

You who treated yourself to a real good sleep after working so hard.

You who put your palms together and believe in God’s promises.


Want to check other amazing people? Watch the video shared by an amazing woman, Judy, in her blog Creativity to the Max. Watch it and want to remain amazing.

The dance video is a tribute by an amazing woman to another amazing woman who died of colon cancer at age 31. Everyone is amazing in here — 


And here’s more from amazing Judy for me!

Green doggie for me! And the note reads -- Congratulations! Every day in every way you are a winner!

Green doggie no longer mine. An amazing girl took ownership!

Green doggie clone. An amazing boy drew it for his little sister!

How can I not be grateful with that? Thank you, thank you, thank you Judy!


Stay amazing everyone because you are created as such!


UNDERBREATH is a subdued voice; a rumor

Manilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol

Manilyn Monroe

With six toes in her left foot?

So what’s the ishoe

Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci

Oh Mona Lisa

Self-portrait of Da Vinci?

With her, I smile

A Pair of Shoes by Vincent Van Gogh

Bought in flea market

Shoes of a peasant woman?

And Vincent wore them

The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci

Mary Magdalene

She was in The Last Supper?

John where are you then

For Jingle Poetry on Art, Music, Poetry

Any other rumor out there?

Any truth?


Wedding Bloopers



My life is full of bloopers even on my wedding day!

More than a decade ago I stand on the altar where the priest incorrectly mentioned the name of my groom twice. Peter, Peter — when he’s not even walking on water!

On that day I had 2 eyelashes — the real straight ones and the fake curly ones. How could I have allowed the make-up artist to put on another one! But then, me and my bestfriend wouldn’t have fun laughing how silly I look — and so I didn’t took it off!

And then my hubby’s wedding ring fell during the ceremonial opening of gifts! There were whispers, “Oh that’s a bad omen. There will be problems in the marriage!” Whhhat your spouse’ ring fell too? Hmm that explains why…

Why am I sharing this? To say that the omen is right or to prove it wrong? Oh well, I won’t talk about that today.

Today please just join me in celebrating our blog friend Maricel’s wedding with Cleto. We can leave a message for her HERE as our gift so that when she comes back she’ll have something more to smile about.

Thank you everyone!

Any wedding blooper to share? Seen a groom who ate all the cake and a bride who drank all the wine?


Dear Jesus


20 days before your birthday, am I excited? No doubt! I am now preparing my gifts for you and I am sure You will love them — promise! I will be giving You the following awesome being (without their consent) yay!

1. Theresa. She can write and sing beautiful hymns for You!

2. Debbie, Linda, Ann and Eric. They can write poems and prose in praise of You!

3. Alan. He can direct a movie about You — move over Mel Gibson!

4. Soul Diary. To write the script of Your blockbuster movie for mankind!

5. Linda, Linda and Maricel. They will play big roles in Your movie. Please whisper to them who will be Mama Mary, Mary Magdalene and who’s in charge for setting the table for The Last Supper!

6. Sergio and Simon. They’re one of the faithful disciples!

7. JMJ. She will write the bestseller book version of Your movie!

8. Stef  and Tisha. To read aloud to us the book with a smile. They’re really good at that — reading and smiling!

9. Treasure. For living up to her name!

10. Judith and Max. They will draw You. It’ll be fun!

11. Lynda.  To write poem for you and encourage others for haiku!

12. Maggie, Pat and Amy. They are role models of the awesomeness of forgiveness!

13. Myself. For whatever use I can do.Want a hug from me? Because I want one from You!

I am excited to see Your big smile when You receive us wrapped in love!



What are you giving this Christmas?


Maraming Salamat!



I am thankful for this note!

Lucky are the ones in the country who celebrates Thanksgiving

— everyone is in a grateful mood!

Heartfelt gratitude and smiles are blessings itself

— another reason to be thankful for!

So may I join the celebration for I have so many things to thank God too?

But don’t worry I won’t list everything in here — just this..

For Godly thoughts THANK YOU Theresa, Deb, Linda, Ann, Eric!

For arts and crafts THANK YOU Alan, Judith, Lynda, Linda!

For smiles THANK YOU Maricel, Stef, JMJ, Darya, Chef E,  Jamie!

For call to action THANK YOU Linda, Tisha, Theresa, Sibyl, Serg, DarrenSimon!

For inspiring resiliency THANK YOU Maggie, Amy, Soul Diaries, Treasure, Eileen, Pat!

For everyone who comes in here THANK YOU!

For those who offer friendship THANK YOU!




For Heaven’s Sake


heaven 11/03/2010

You have to check it!

Yes, Eric’s For Heaven’s Sake

I can’t help praising God

each time I’m on his site.

I love the way I’m feeling over there

despite that the man didn’t talk back to me

— at times.

But it’s all good, I can feel Him — in his poems

And while there don’t miss his Ezekiel story.

The story is non-fiction including Pulp Fiction.

Love it!

Now go talk to him — For Heaven’s Sake.

Do you roll your eyes when you say, “For heaven’s sake..”?


Heart this!



heart's treasure




Does it FEEL GOOD?

Now  feel  your  chest.

Check for heartbeats.

There is? Really?

You must have a heart!

What is that heart for, for you?

Is the answer same with your reality?

Hey, I’m asking myself the same questions!

Now for more heart talk please  check this out.

Yes this — the  T R E A S U R E  in HERE!

I heart YOU for checking.



And I said, “OH NO!”

I didn’t know that he is a pastor until today!
I’m glad I only knew today otherwise, I wouldn’t dare comment in his place.

He’s really cool that I had no idea. He may not approve of the ‘cool’ description but that’s just it for me. And this is not to say that pastors are not supposed to be cool.

Today he recommended so many great Christian sites and you bet I didn’t comment no matter how I like or agree with the entries because I haven’t confirm yet if those are Pastors’ site — I find it hard to get serious today. But of course, I still want to be blessed!

GO SEE DARREN! See I call him Darren. Bless my soul!

Darren of Better Life Coaching

How about you, do you know a cool pastor?

Ladies if any of you is a saint, for heaven’s sake, speak out!

You will pray for me, don’t you?



I will come up with this notsooriginal quotes!

Today I am I, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Ier than I!

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind need to sharpen their mind.

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more you know that you have so much to know.

A person’s a person, no matter how lame the excuses.

Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, that’s the exercise of the mind.

So much for that silly quote. Here’s something really awesome that Dr. Seuss will approve of — Cat in the Hat and Grinch nail art!

Cat in the Hat and Grinch nail art

Check the how to’s of this nail art by the lovely lady in Furry Fury Nail Art.

That’s it. Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because…I said so.

Thank you Dr. Seuss…sneeze!


Mona Lisa’s Smile


Mona Lisa by Da Vinci

Sorry world

please don’t hate me

but for the life of me

until now I can’t fathom

why Mona Lisa’s smile

is so famous.

Yes I love the painting

but the smile is all like other smiles

they are all special and meaningful.

Tell me, if back then

one of these faces was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci

and it was claimed that the smile is most enigmatic

don’t you think we will not rave about it to the end?

The Smile

To repeat, please don’t hate me

because I admire Leonardo Da Vinci deeply

and Mona Lisa knows I love her

just like the rest of the Wonderful girls.


Lynda this is my smiling piece

for your Mona Lisa poetry challenge.

Just for the fun of it. Smile!


Presenting Linda!



Wonder Woman - thanks google!


Not Wonder Woman Lynda Carter but the WONDERFUL Lindas whom I’m honored to meet here in blogosphere!

1st, Linda Kruschke. She’s a lawyer. No I’m not saying that because, “You have the right to remain silent…” I just want to say that I like her because she’s not judgmental but God committal. You know you want to read her Legal, Social, and Absolute Tolerance and other posts with in-depth analysis. Read it and be blessed!

2nd, Linda Hewett of Positive Spin. She’s a Confidence Coach and Writer. She wants to try to solve your problems so go tell her, it’s free! But first you would want to check her posts which are inspiring, enlightening, interesting, amazing and all positive INGS you can think of. Psst, please smile back at her and see how good it feels.

3rd, Linda Lewis of Lulu’s Musings. She’s a collage, a creator, a dreamer, an optimist and so many things! How could I not like her when most of her interests are mine too.  I love checking her place because there is so much energy and creativity in there. And one more thing, I love her hair!

4th, Lynda Roberts of Echostains. Yes she’s not Linda but still she’s wonderful! I couldn’t forget the fun I had when she invited me to join her Van Gogh poetry challenge – I had a very good laugh with my Ugh Van Gogh. Her place is full of art – sculptures, paintings, designs, and even typewriter art. Go check her place and delight your heART!

This is about Wonder Woman after all. Mama, you’re not included in here because your name isn’t Linda but you are a Wonder Woman!

Any Wonder Woman in your life that you want to share? Yes, the name need not be Linda.


The Janitor


The Janitor -move your mind and heart

You’re a CEO who is loosing control of your business and personal life — yourself, your marriage, your family. Would you heed the advice of the janitor?

Roger Kimbrough, the CEO did.  He had a weekly green tea meeting with janitor Bob Tidwell who shared six simple but powerful principles.

You can read and ponder what truly matters to you through the lives of the CEO and the janitor in the book THE JANITOR by authors Todd Hopkins and Ray Hilbert.

And here’s to share with you briefly the six principles that turned around the life of the CEO.

1. RECHARGE VS DISCHARGE. If you keep pouring energy out and you don’t recharge ,then one day you’ll run empty. You’ll burn out. A burned-up brain won’t start up.

2. VIEW YOUR FAMILY AS BLESSINGS NOT RESPONSIBILITY. Tell your family you love them; remind them of how much they mean to you.

3. PRAY NOT POUT. Sometimes when your plate is full, God will give you great insight on what is important to focus on and what needs to be removed from your plate entirely.

4. PASS IT AROUND. Share your knowledge and wisdom to everyone before it is too late. Anyone can give a meaningless gift. That would be no great reflection on my character, would it?

5. DON’T SPEND; INVEST! Invest your time in things that have value. Is there some eternal significance in what I am doing? Does it have any eternally significant impact on someone else?

6. LEAVE A LEGACY. It doesn’t matter if you live 2 thousand years or twenty. What matters is how you fill the space between the dates on your gravestone. Let your wisdom live and multiply in each life that you touch.

There, THE JANITOR can help me pick up the pieces and I’ll surely enjoy an evening with him sipping hot green tea. How about you?


green salads with DRESSing


This is a DESPERATE ATTEMPT to combine food and fashion!

If you want to check what is this all about

and who suggested these veggie, fruit and pie idea for dress style

please check comments on my previous post


This is more of an encouragement to Melissa,

the fashion designer, to come up with book on veggie fashion.

For now, please be contented with my sketches

but the recipes in here are all from the experts.

Check it on these links and enjoy cooking with fashion!






cool, hot and sweet STYLE

Ladies, I know this is not what you imagined it to be,

I just want you to know that I value your comments and suggestions.

So here’s my flavored THANK YOU!


asparagus and mushroom dress by Melissa

Yup that is inspired by my favorite veggies!

I simply requested it from Melissa

and the talented fashion designer was gracious enough

to came up with it here in Pink Spilled Paint!

And for my recipe, here try it.


2 tbsp olive oil
5 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups 1/2 inch cubed firm tofu
200 grams asparagus, sliced into 1-inch pieces
1 cup sliced shiitake mushroom
3 tbsp oyster sauce mixed with 1/4 cup water

1. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Sauté garlic and tofu together until the tofu turns light gold.

2. Add the shiitake mushroom and the oyster sauce mixture. Leave for about 10 minutes.

3. Toss the asparagus with the tofu mushroom. It will take about 4 minutes for the asparagus to cook.

4. Transfer to a serving plate.


hmm I think a red bell pepper dress would be lovely.

How about you, what veggie dress do you have in mind right now?

Let’s IMAGINE it altogether!





I have 2 younger sisters – by blood

I’m lucky to have them

we love each other

they can model the outfit I wish to wear

they wear the accessories that I made.

I have a number of sister friends

whom I see face to face

tears to tears

laughter to laughter

ice tea to ice tea.

I have 2 on-line sisters

whom I have an instant connection.

Theresa can sing moore songs for my heart

Deb can bless with her simple yet deep poems.

Their hearts simply shine on-line!

I can feel that I will be blessed with more sisters

and it will be a powerful force

of goodness, encouragement and awesomeness!

Now, please tell me about your sistahs.



This post is an acceptance to SuperGoddess Me invitation for a game of tag. Once tagged, I am supposed to answer 8 given questions and tag 8 people, afterwards.

But I really want to know 8 more things from everyone reading this. Please join the fun by either answering the 8 questions on your site or in the comments portion. You will all make my day I am sure of that!

So here are the questions with my most sincere answers:

1. If you could have any superpower, which one would you have and why?

The power to grant 1 wish each for everyone!

SO WHAT’S YOUR WISH? Don’t forget to thank me once granted. Ok?

2. Who is your style icon?

No one. That explains why I’m styleLESSh.

3. What is your favorite quote?

“Today you are YOU, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than YOU.” by Dr. Seuss

4. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?

Those sincerely given are always the best for me. Now, how would I know that?          I simply trust and APPRECIATE. Here’s one from my son:

Mother 100%

5. What playlist/cd is in your CD player/iPod right now?

Mostly Christian songs and meditation music. Here is SOMETHING beautiful.

6. Are you a night owl or a morning person?

I am a night owl who tries hard in the morning to open my eyes. hoot hootZZZZ

7. Do you prefer dogs or cats?

Dog. It looks BETTER in chain while walking. Meow!

8. What is the meaning behind your blog name?

Bite-size servings from imperfect BEING.



Woot from Animalia!


Quack do you know about me?

TURTLE:  Hare I come. Slowly but surely.

DOVE:  Peace be with you.

DINOSAUR:  Be  distinct before you become extinct.

LION:  Look out for your pride.

SNAKE: Not just hiss but hears.

HEN:  Oh no, that’s fowl!

PIG:  It’s oinkly you. Bank on it.

ELEPHANT:  Help! Ant!

COW:  Moooove on.

DOG:  Aw Awsome!

CAT:  Me? Wow!

Let the BEaST out and send a message to mankind. ROAR!
