D.I.Y. Gecko Ironing Table



What to do with unused ironing board?

I painted it with gecko and turn it to fun table for my kiddos and mine too!

D-ON’T.     I-RON.     Y-O!

Gecko Trivia:

It has no eyelids.

Expel a foul-smelling material and feces onto their aggressors.

Gecko toes adhere to most surfaces due to its special adaptation.

Some female is capable of reproducing without copulating with a male.

Some drop their tails in defense and may be generated later on, self amputation.

gecko on board

Thank God He didn’t make us like gecko!

No eyelids? How would the professor know if we’re sleeping or not?

Expel feces to the aggressors? And stink and shame ourselves? No way!

Toes adhere to most surfaces? I don’t want to run after my kiddos on the walls!

Female to reproduce alone? No dads? No falling in-love or out of love? Hmmmm

Regenerate tail? When old, how would a wrinkle-free appendage would look on me?


Now you choose what to discuss – gecko, man, God or table?


18 Responses to “D.I.Y. Gecko Ironing Table”

  1. you are so creative!!
    i wanna do that too since i have two unused ironing boards! plus, i need my own cute table in this house. thank you for the giving me this idea! 🙂

    • bendedspoon Says:

      I’m happy that you’re inspired to repurpose an ironing board. You’ll enjoy the process for sure and more especially the end product — a cute compact table!

  2. What a neat idea of a project for an unused ironing board! I never would have thought of doing that.

    Your “D-ESIGNED BY GOD. I-N MOST LOVING WAY.Y-OU ARE WELL-CRAFTED!” was so brilliantly written! It truly touched me. BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing that piece of sunshine with all of us.

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Got to figure out what to do with it really quick before my hubby decides it goes to the garbage truck! Yay!

      Thank God DIY touched you. I admire you so much. No, make it I love you for modeling how to honor God’s design!

  3. Lies Says:

    I wouldn’t mind having toes that adhere to walls – the fun we could have! Fortunately we díd develop opposable thumbs, allowing you to be the creator of the gecko-table! It is beautiful, Rea, really, wish I were half as creative as you!

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Yup that would be great for an adventurer like you!
      I actually have fear of heights and I wonder if sticky toes would help — no fear of falling.

      Thank you for appreciating my gecko table. Painting that way is fun, anything goes. And besides I can’t do still life painting, yet.

  4. E Stelling Says:

    Because my name has ‘Liz’ in it; I used to get lizzard and gecko gifts from friends, family and clients. I never would have thought to paint it on something! Love this bended spoon, ‘which still feeds us’! You do, you feed us so many wonderful things here!

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Thank you, thank you Chef E!
      They gift you with lizards
      because they can’t give you blizzard 🙂
      Now I wonder what cREAture they would give me?

  5. maggsworld Says:

    All thing are wonderfully made and fascinating – purposefully

  6. afirmin71 Says:

    When you really examine the way we are made I find it hard to understand how anyone could think that this JUST happened because of chemicals and atoms colliding in a certain way. Only true genius has had a hand in the design process.

    Love the ironing board!! 🙂

    Take care Alan

    • bendedspoon Says:

      That is so true! No matter how we overanalyze things it will always end up to Him, the amazing genius that He is!

      That ironing board is at its highest value
      — there’s love in it!

  7. Rea, When we were in Hawaii a few years ago, my son actually caught a gecko! And we bought him a metal gecko that is on his ceiling. I’m glad didn’t make us like geckos, too! Peace, Linda

  8. jmjbookblog Says:

    I’ll have to choose God (although that ironing board looks awesome). He created each of us as unique as His snowflakes…and you are a sparkling example of His amazing creations. 🙂

  9. Debbie Says:

    You are so creative and just cracking me up!
    I am going for the table . . .You are an artist!!! Love that gecko table!
    And the God part . . .if you get to Linda Kruschke’s Blog, she has a special song that make me think of you! It for the extra Music Monday post. 🙂
    love you! God bless beautiful creative you!

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Deb I’m a trying hard craftsperson who’s simply having fun when I create things. My self therapy!

      Now you make me excited with that song, and that love, and the blessings! Great thanks and love to you Deb!

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