C is for Clap! Clap! Clap!


Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

I’m clapping for you who are reading this! I’m so happy that you are well today!

We clap to show our appreciation and amusement. We usually do it for others but it’s good to clap for ourselves too. See what it can do to you by clapping the moment you wake up and say your praise or declare that, “I will have a wonderful day today! I will make it happen!”

Not all though is happy to see you clapping. If this makes you uneasy then practice one hand clapping which now brings us to the age-old question, “What is the sound of one hand clapping?”

Now please allow me to clap in appreciation for a wonderful C blessing — Creative Blog Award!

Thank you so much Deirdra of A Storybook World! Deirdra is a professional writer and illustrator and looks like she is a fairy too — see her fairy wings!

Oh God I feel so C today — CONTENTED. Far from what I felt a few years ago…

When I was a little miss
I had only one Sunday dress
Its color is yellow
And I love it so
Each Sunday I was excited
Smiling as I get dressed
I felt like a princess
With my yellow dress
When I turned into a woman
I had more clothes than some
But funny how I felt less
Stressed and depressed
Having more isn’t being more
If inside I felt so poor.


For Jingle Poetry on Photographs, Memories, and Nostalgia.

Can we now CHEER UP and CLAP? One or two hands, it’s good for us!


80 Responses to “C is for Clap! Clap! Clap!”

  1. trisha Says:

    an amazing truth stated in the poem, a truth which i share too.

    i believe its smart to practice one hand clapping to avoid displeasure of others. 🙂


    Free Soul 4.4.11

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!
      Some do need to hear the 2-hand clapping and sometimes our heart want to feel us rejoicing happily for others. One hand clapping has its good moments too.
      Blessings to you! 🙂

  2. mairmusic Says:

    Ah, but rich in words, my friend!

  3. Olivia Says:

    Words of wisdom- lolss
    So true of women.. don’t kill on that now.. 🙂

    Very well penned.. Hugs xx

  4. Sam Says:

    beautifully said… The more is in so many ways the less…

  5. afirmin Says:

    Truly inspirational poem. You and JMJ always find the most incredible poems and you both inspire, daily! We are blessed to know you both!

    take care Alan.

  6. Teri C Says:

    Wonderful upbeat poem ending with the critical philosophy for a fulfilled life.

  7. ladynimue Says:

    A perfect choice to award this lovely title !!
    You are sure creative one 🙂

    Wonderful poetry !!
    Liked and agree to the wise words you draw in the end ..

  8. Arlee Bird Says:

    Congratulations on the award and more so on your cheer and contentment.

    Contrary to my usual practice of subscribing to comments, to save time during challenge I will not be doing so during April. If you want to respond to my comment , please email me directly from your email notification for the comment.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

  9. honeyhaiku Says:

    Very wise indeed. BTW…Thanks for he Creative Blogger Award!

  10. Becca Givens Says:

    creativity – A+

  11. lolamouse Says:

    I can still remember a favorite dress I had as a child! I used to want to wear it everywhere! Thank you for this wonderful memory.

  12. cloakedmonk Says:

    Perfect! You are so right.

  13. I like this *clapping*…a wonderful poem.

  14. seabell Says:

    Nice theme approach… I have a list of dresses I loved that way and some I still can enjoy through photographs!

  15. Dafeenah Says:

    This made me think of “if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands” clap clap I haven’t heard that song since I was little. Thanks for reminding me and congrats on the award!!


  16. I enjoyed reading it.

    Loved the Clap Clap Clap.

    Clapping with joy!

  17. Hart Says:

    okay, hopefully this won’t be here twice now… commented once and it disappeared into the ether, so trying again. Thanks for the claps! I am the dubious mother of a boy capable of one-handed clapping (his wrist joints are loose)–he looks pretty silly, but you can definitely hear it.

  18. Hart Says:

    Oh, how sweet! My son can actually clap one handed. I’m not sure if he is loose jointed, or what, but his fingers slap his wrists when he does it–he looks absolutely ridiculous with his floppy hands, but there you have it.

    Congrats on your award!

  19. Siv Maria Says:

    Tanks for clapping and congrats on your award. So glad you are feeling chearful, it must be contagious because now I feel cheerful too 😀 I loved your poem and the use of the word yellow was beautiful. Maybe you did really have a yellow dress, but the symbolism for yellow is cheerful. Well done!

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Thank you for that positive energy! Yes I had a yellow dress which faded with constant use but still it was so precious. I loved the girl in those moments.
      Have a yellow day! 🙂

  20. Ina Says:

    I clapped 🙂 Now I have to explain to the others in the room here.

  21. Chimnese Says:

    wow, being appreciative of what we have,and not to be regretful….this was a deep write i can feel the truth in it..

    thanks for the visiting my page.

  22. Jessica Says:

    Nice message about being grateful for what we have. Those jeans and T shirts of preteen days seem so much more fun than all the decisions over what to wear today!


  23. Jaan Pehchaan Says:

    Stay contented and have a wonderful day today! To all my loved ones out there. Here is mine: http://jaanpehchaan.wordpress.com/2011/04/02/pale-in-pain/

  24. lunawitch15 Says:

    Brava! and congratulations! 🙂

  25. kathe w Says:

    cause for applause!!

  26. splendid rendering!
    Enjoy the rally. I appreciate the idea on clapping for self, I shall try to start tomorrow this way 🙂

  27. Jingle Says:

    love the claps.
    well done piece.

  28. Laura Says:

    Clap clap clap clap clap clap!! Love your choice for the A to Z Challenge! And, congrats on your award!

  29. Ann Says:

    Thank you, Princess

    Congrats on your award! (Clap! Clap!)

    Also clapping for Him who gave you the gift of writing and the love you share with others. 🙂

    Psalm 47:1-2 1 Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. For the LORD Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth.

    Your post also reminds me of a song we used to sing way back then in Sunday School “clap your tiny hands for joy!”

    Happy Clapping!


    • bendedspoon Says:

      I love you Ann for brightening this place — for bringing The Light in here!

      I appreciate the awards but I appreciate more the people who sincerely love being here! Such a blessing!

      The love I can easily agree but to the gift of writing let’s see for this letter C alone how much I badgered God…

      Saturday night — “God, shall I write about the Cross? Shall I write about the memory of painful relationship?” I didn’t hear an answer but it doesn’t sit well with my heart so I thought the Cross is best left with you, Linda, Deb, and Theresa.

      Sunday morning — “God shall I write about this Corn that I am eating? How about the Cupcake?” I didn’t hear an answer after eating the whole cob of corn.

      Sunday afternoon — “God I’ll take a nap to rest and hopefully when I wake up I’ll have that C word.” Then I heard Him clap! He’s happy for me! So nap I go with a smile on my face because I have my C word!

      I still thought about the Cross and right now my tears are falling not because of sadness but of gratefulness for all that He has done. He deserves a lifetimes of applause Ann. I just love Him so much!

      Now I think I beat my own record of longest comment! Thank you soooo much for Psalm 47:1-2 1! I’m CLAPPINGGGGGGG!

  30. maggsworld Says:

    I am joining this lovely motivated clapping circle, too.

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Woot! I love you in here Maggie because you too deserve more than one round of applause! Clapping in awe of your resiliency and capacity to love! 🙂

  31. jmjbookblog Says:

    You made my day! 🙂 I’m clapping for you inbetween typing this comment! 🙂 I LOVED your poem…so true…thank you for sharing your special thoughts and words. 🙂 Sweet dreams. 🙂

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Thank you so much! You have been a fantastic cheer leader! I’m so glad with the recent clapping that we both had with your long awaited blessing! How can I not clap and praise God? Bravoooooooo! 🙂

  32. Debbie Says:

    I’m going for the two hands clapping for you! Thank you for bringing cheer and contentment our way. Loved the poem! Here is a quote that reminds me of what you do each day . . .
    “If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God.” George Macdonald

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Deb, you’re so good in making my tears fall while clapping in gratitude! I hear the wonderful sound of your clap and I hope you hear mine as well! Love you 🙂

  33. Dawn Embers Says:

    Ah yes, the clap. That brings back memories of speech/debate when we had to sit through the award part. We were asked to only clap once because that would keep it from dragging on too long. Though it was almost always still rather long and the one clap was just kind of weird.

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Controlled clapping? I treasure those moments where I clapped full of excitement and/or love! One hand clapping feels good too but it takes conscious connection to self and yes to God. God bless you 🙂

  34. This is so fun. I love the idea of waking up and clapping my hands for another beautiful day that I am alive and well. Good idea. Your posts are really fun, I look forward to checking back each day. Do you have a follow button? I would like to follow you!

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Please try it even for a week, as a start!

      Thank you for appreciating the posts in here. Haven’t figure out yet that follow button and if wordpress have it for blogs they host. I only have email subscription but nevertheless your intention is well appreciated. Blessings to you 🙂

  35. Deirdre is cool!
    You might want to add a Google Friends Connect button so it’s easier for people to follow your site. You’ll gain so many this month during the Challenge!

    • bendedspoon Says:

      Yes she is! She gave that award on her initial visit — really cool!

      I think Google Friends Connect button only work for self-hosted wordpress blogs, unlike in blogspot. Will still check and thanks for the suggestion. Blessings to you 🙂

  36. Clap, clap for another lovely post!

  37. *Clap clap clap*… Yeah, clap for ourselves.. Yes, I did.. as I clapped along during my birthday celebration.. 🙂

    Back on Tingtasy after an enjoyable ‘break’.. 🙂

    • bendedspoon Says:

      I missed the celebration but nevertheless you know I am clapping for you — for your victories and blessings! Happy happy happy birthday! Huggggs 🙂

  38. Awesome poem! I enjoyed clapping last night as I watched several great bands and imbibed in spirits!

  39. Hey!! Am clapping here..both hands both feet and trying to train my ears!!!

    • bendedspoon Says:

      I like that maximum clapping experience! Of course you made my feet rejoice as well! Thank you so much. I wish your ears will love the sound of clap 🙂

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